You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.3. Sales - Invoice Creation > Recalling a Held Invoice Picking Slip

Recalling an Invoice, Picking Slip or Quote

You can recall invoices, picking slips and quotes in the following ways and then amend the order, delete it, or re-hold it as required.

See the following topics for specific details on each menu option.

Invoice Creation - File - Load - Load Held Invoice

Invoice Creation - File - Load - Load Picking Slip

Invoice Creation - File - Load - Load Suspended Invoice

Invoice Creation - File - Load - Load Paperless Slip

Invoice Creation - File - Load - Load Completed Paperless Slip

Invoice Creation - File - Load - Load Electronic Order

Invoice Creation - File - Load - Load Bench Scan

Invoice Creation - File - Load - Load by Debtor Number (v2.8)

Invoice Creation - File - Load - Load by Held Number (v2.8)

Invoice Creation - File - Load Quote